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Monday, April 30, 2012

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

The fish is a sacred dream symbol. It represents divinity and superiority.

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

However, only the calm fishes have this symbolic meaning, because the violent ones, like sharks, represent the domination of craziness in the human side of the human conscience due to the invasion of the absurd article existent in the wild side of the human brain.

Domestic red fishes and colored fishes that live in the sea or in rivers, as well as all fishes that are grey, represent the calm and the wisdom of God.

But what does it exactly mean to see a calm fish in a dream?

Depending on the dream's context and on your biography, the calm and silent fish will indicate that you have to behave like a wise fish, so that you'll keep being near God and never do what is wrong, or that you are already being wise like the fish that never says a word.

The fish's silence is the silence of God before what is evil: the silence of a classic creature, before of a beast.

On the other hand, if you see in a dream that you managed to catch a big fish, this means that you are going to "fish" someone you desire, a treasure from the lowest of the sea, something assuredly special! This is an perfect dream message, and I assuredly hope that you'll see many dreams where you are catching fish or watching them calmly and silently swim.

These are very good dream images, and after them you are going to see many other enchanting dream images and messages, because if you have managed to be like God in distinct points of your life, this means that you have evolved and you will assuredly evolve much more.

The unconscious mind is your protector and this is why all the dream messages have a protective character. After your first occupation with the meaning of your dreams and the transformation of your personality, you'll see, approximately every day, dreams containing hereafter previsions about distinct points of your life. The unconscious mind will safe you more, because you'll understand more.

Then you'll inspect that the unconscious mind sends you symbolic messages also when you are not sleeping and dreaming, but when you are awake, living. All things that happens to you and to the habitancy that are close to you have a symbolic meaning that gives you data about the reality where you are.

For example, you are in a bistro and you are vexed with the waiter's delay. Suddenly, your eyes fall over a ball with red fishes and instead of being nervous with the delay, you come to be ashamed because you became vexed with such thing. You understand that you naturally have to forgive the waiter, and wait with patience, without filling your heart with the poison of revolt.

The fishes in your environment remind you of the classic attitude you should have, eliminating your anger. You'll be always in perceive with the unconscious mind, since you'll be always translating the symbolic meaning of everything.

The symbolic language is very interesting, because one word has many meanings. You have first of all to learn how it works on dreams.

You'll see that the meaning of a symbol varies, depending on the dream's context and on the biography of the dreamer, one of the most leading parts for the real comprehension of the meaning of a dream, since the dreams we see when we sleep give us data about our own lives, our psyche, our problems, etc. First of all, and then data about other habitancy and All things else. So, the biography of the dreamer is essential if we want to properly translate the meaning of a dream.

In the example of the fish, you have seen that there are three different definitions for its meaning:

- Divinity (Calm fish)

- Domination of Craziness (Shark)

- A Treasure (Catching a fish)

The same way, depending on the dreamer's biography, we have other definitions that help us understand the real meaning of each part of the dream for the definite case that we are analyzing.

After evolving you'll understand the meaning of patience, forgiveness, piety and sanctity.

The dream images you'll see will be thoroughly different from the ones you see in the beginning of your occupation with the meaning of your dreams.

You have to learn the dream language... The fish is only one symbol: only one word of a foreign language for you. You have to learn how to immediately translate the dream symbols like me and my students so that you may understand the messages that the wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams is sending you in order to safe you from your wild side.

Learn the dream language with my simplification of the complicated formula of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung at the end of the last century. My formula is dynamic, according to the lifestyle of the twentieth century.

I continued his research, discovering many dream symbols and becoming a real psychiatrist myself, while I was only a writer. I had to deeply study the article of the human brain, human behavior, and the supervene of the invasion of the wild side in the human side, while curing many habitancy from serious mental illness for 19 years.

Dream interpretation according to the scientific formula is a miraculous explication for the desperate habitancy of our absurd contemporary civilization, where terrorism, violence, hypocrisy and futility govern.

The wise and saintly unconscious mind will give a definitive end to terrorism, immorality and violence on Earth, transforming our crazy world into a beautiful place, where we'll be able to live peacefully and happily.

The entire human race will learn how to translate their dreams without a doubt now that we have discovered that we have a violent and evil wild side in our own brain that must be transformed into a distinct part of our human side, and also, now that we know that we receive high-priced data and guidance from the wise unconscious mind translating our own dreams.

Dream Interpretation - The Meaning of the Fish in Dreams

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Joseph's Dream

Joseph's Dream

Joseph'S Dream
Matthew 1:18-25

Joseph's Dream

Joseph's Dream

Joseph's Dream

Joseph's Dream

Joseph's Dream

We know very microscopic about Joseph the father of Jesus. We know he is a descendant of King David. He was a carpenter and, passed this trade on to Jesus. In addition, Joseph made sure Jesus had good spiritual training. Joseph's confidence in God was strong and he followed God's will no matter the hardships.

Joseph and Mary were pledged to be married. Imagine what went through Joseph's mind when Mary told him she was pregnant. I am sure he was angry, humiliated, and confused. He knew it was not his child. Could this be "God's child"? This must have overwhelmed him.

Verse 19 reveals to us that Joseph was a righteous man. He had in his mind to separation Mary and yet he did not want to publicly disgrace her. His intention was to do it quietly. Joseph believed he only had two options. separation or consequent the Jewish law of stoning Mary to death. God had a third choice marriage.

While asleep, God sent an angel to Joseph. The angel addresses Joseph as the Son of David. This reminds Joseph of who he is and of his linage. Joseph was customary with the challenges David faced in life. He knew David loved, trusted, and obeyed God. Could these words be a heads up for Joseph to do the same? The angel delivers instructions to Joseph. First, he is not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife. The angel assures him what is conceived in Mary is from the Holy Spirit. The angel continues to unfold what the Lord wants and instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus because he will... "Save his citizen from their sins". This fulfills what the Lord said through the behalf Isaiah. "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"---which means, "God with us."

There was no hesitation when Joseph woke up. He returns home with Mary as his wife. Joseph by not having union with Mary until after the birth of Jesus shows self-discipline.

Joseph knew he would face ridicule because of his decision to marry Mary. He made a choice to obey the messenger of the Lord instead of what others believed he should do. He must have believed that if this is what God wanted him to do then God was protecting him and his family.

We make many decisions during a 24-hour period. Yes, it can be easy to go along with the popular view of the day. We will cause no waves and we will blend in with others. Is that the way we want to go? How do you view situations in your life? Do you see it the way the world does or the way God wants you to see it?

Joseph believed he only had two options separation and stoning. God in case,granted him with a third marriage. Man pointed out to me when I have a decision to make to meditate on Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes that I may see the extraordinary things in your law." Joseph trusted and obeyed the angel and did see something wonderful. He helped raise the Son of God. Let us keep our eyes open to what God has to say and consequent his way and enjoy the extraordinary life following his plan.

Joseph's Dream

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Your dreams are not insignificant images you see when you sleep because your mind keeps playing with ideas and fantasies. They are like movies produced by a producer and your producer is the wise unconscious mind.

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

Everything you see in your dreams has a meaning and can be translated. Why? Because you receive very foremost messages which try to save your mental health.

But how can you translate your dreams? They are so weird and confused...

You simply translate images to words. This is very easy when you learn the dream logic and the basic dream symbols. Today it is very easy, thanks to my work, which is chronic the complex work of Carl Jung.

But how can we translate images into words?

We can translate any scene to the dream language.

Let's say that you had a dream in which you saw yourself losing your cellular phone and running after that, trying to find it. Then you see someone else scene: you are at the beach, drinking a beer, as if it was a continuation of the previous one, even though it is totally different.

How could we translate these scenes according to the dream language?

A dream interpreter, based on his aware logic, would try to guess the meaning of the dream with many suppositions.

Perhaps your dreams were showing you that you must be cautious so that you won't lose your things, but that even though you'll suffer for losing your things, in the end you'll have compensation, drinking a beer at a beautiful beach.

Another subjective interpretation could be to consider this dream as if it was showing you that you may miss an foremost call from an foremost person, person that you could meet on your summer holidays.

The possibilities of interpretations are too many!

However, we are not interpreting a novel: we are trying to understand the meaning of two connected dreams. This means that we have to indispensably translate the symbols in order to understand their meaning. Our suppositions will never lead us to the insight of any meaning: we have to learn the dream language.

So, the translation of the previous short dream is the following:

You saw yourself losing your cellular phone and running after that, trying to find it.

You lost your cellular = you lost a possibility (the possibility to call person in case you need it).

You are running = there is danger complex in this matter.

Then you see someone else scene: you are at the beach, drinking a beer, as if it was a continuation of the previous one, even though it is totally different.

You are at the beach = you are near the sea, which symbolizes craziness.

You are drinking a beer = you are having relieve and pleasure with something that also gives you courage.

So, putting all things thing together: You lost a possibility, there is danger complex in this matter, you are near craziness, but you act as if you could have pleasure and courage to continue living the way you are.

Therefore, you must end that your attitude is wrong.

But why did you see this dream?

What happened to you on the previous day?

You had a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you are mental about abandoning them.

So, after looking a dream that shows you that you lost a possibility and you are near craziness, you have to end that your decision is wrong and convert your mind, giving someone else opportunity to the person you love. Otherwise, you won't have any pleasure the way you believe: you'll be dominated by craziness and despair.

This is how you translate the images that appear in your dreams into words that you understand, and how you learn to safe your mental health with their messages.

Dream Interpretation - Translating Images Into Words

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why Do population Dream?

Why Do population Dream?

We dream because the wise unconscious that regulates the functionalism of our bodies can treat the human conscience and help it fight against the anti-conscience without its interference, as is the case when we are awake.

Why Do population Dream?

Why Do population Dream?

Why Do population Dream?

Why Do population Dream?

Why Do population Dream?

In your dreams, the unconscious gives you directions, warnings and psychotherapy. You need them, because insanity is inherent in the anti-conscience that enduringly tries to destroy your human side. While you are sleeping, you can be in feel with the unconscious that works like a physician in your psyche and sends you dreams in order to supply you the advice you need.

Dream interpretation must be a daily action for you, in the same way that you do some other things every day, because it only helps. However, this will help you even if you don't write your dreams down normally or even if you only care for your dreams when you have problems.

Your dreams belong to you; they talk about your life.

Dreams inform and help you in some ways, especially because you are not as rational as you imagine and because even your logic is absurd.

Perhaps you have to fabricate your feelings; possibly you must learn to be realistic. The unconscious knows exactly what you need to understand and what has to be corrected in your behavior, so that you'll be all the time calm, wise and happy with yourself.

These messages are symbolic in nature because your anti-conscience shall not learn what the unconscious reveals to your human side, otherwise it would distort these messages and you would not have any security against the anti-conscience.

There is a primitive awareness inside you that is not human but evil. Existence is a difficult matter and this was inevitable. Life is a big challenge! With all the problems and the disappointments that the conscience had to face, it became nervous and violent; this is why it resulted in a monster.

You must learn how to construe your dreams in order to protect your human conscience from the craziness that already exists in your psyche.

After this basic point, the unconscious is going to help you solve all the problems of your life. You'll all the time have a physician and counsellor that will protect and guide you at your disposition, so that you'll ensue the light of truth instead of walking in the darkness of your ignorance.

Why Do population Dream?

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Monday, January 23, 2012

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

Staying at the Mirage in Las Vegas is like stepping into a dream of paradise. It is the photo of an oasis in the Las Vegas desert landscape. The Mirage fully sets the acceptable for Las Vegas resort casinos. Staying at the Mirage is a opening to live the Vegas dream!

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

History of the Mirage

It's not a stretch of the imagination to say that the Mirage revived a struggling Las Vegas. Tourism to Las Vegas was on the decline since the 1970's. This was nearby the time that Atlantic City began snatching up many of the country's east coast gamblers. Las Vegas just didn't have the fashionable, high-class reputation that it had in decades prior. But the Mirage, which was the most expensive hotel at the time of its construction, soon revamped Vegas.

Built by developer and mogul Steve Wynn, The Mirage opened its doors in 1989. It was met with rave reviews about the striking architecture and plush rooms. The hotel has a fun French Polynesia theme, a incredible 3,044 rooms, and 100,000 square feet of gaming space. The Mirage has become a Las Vegas icon with its distinctive gold windows and the largest free standing marquee in the world.

Rooms in the Mirage

The rooms at the Mirage are just what you would expect from this iconic resort. The hotel rooms are elegantly decorate, ultra-modern, and a exquisite haven for relaxation. The Guest Suites provide a diminutive extra extravagance-with huge Lcd Tvs in the bathrooms, decks, hydrotherapy tubs, and much more. The Villas at the Mirage are opulence at its best. You'll be treated like royalty with the best rooms Vegas has to offer, plus you will enjoy your own secret back yard at the Mirage!

Attractions of the Mirage

The Mirage is home to many attractive attractions that can't be missed on your Vegas vacation. Most noted is the volcano exterior of the resort that erupts every hour from 5-11 in the evening, weather permitting. Sigfried and Roy's secret organery and Dolphin Habitat is where you can get so close as to nearly touch white lions, white tigers, leopards, panthers, and dolphins.

The atrium inside the front entry is like stepping inside a rain forest. Palm trees, orchids, and other exotic tropical flora fill the space. You will swear that you are in the Amazon Rainforest, not the Mirage in Las Vegas! Finally, the aquarium in the lobby is one of the most technologically industrialized fish habitats in the world. Home to nearly one thousand sea creatures, it's a faultless undersea experience.

The Mirage is home to two permanent shows. Love is a Cirque du Soleil output that combines the timeless music of the Beatles with attractive and contemporary circus feats. Terry Fator, a ventriloquist, is currently enjoying a five-year headlining run at the prestigious resort. An exclusive Cirque du Soleil show featuring the music of Michael Jackson is incredible to open at the Mirage in 2012. This show is sure to continue the Mirage's tradition of being an iconic and trend-setting fixture of Las Vegas.

Now that you've read all that the Mirage has to offer, you must be itching to book that Las Vegas vacation. Smart travelers visit Talk to our travel agent about inclusive package deals, which will make your Las Vegas trip the time of your life!

The Mirage: Living the Dream at the Mirage of Las Vegas

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